Listing the NFT on Mochi Marketplace

You can sell your newly minted NFT on Mochi Marketplace in a matter of seconds!

In this case, we want to sell our NFT for 1000 MOMA. In the dropdown menu next to the price, you can also choose to sell your NFT in BNB currency.

Let's quickly cover the differences between the sell currencies:

  • When selling the NFT in MOMA currency, the service fee is 1%.

    • When your NFT costs 1 MOMA and somebody buys it, you will receive 0.99 MOMA

  • When selling the NFT in BNB currency, the service fee is 2.5%.

    • When your NFT costs 1 BNB and somebody buys it, you will receive 0.975 BNB

You can delist it by pressing "Cancel" on the bottom right!

Last updated