Creating a BEP-721 NFT

BEP-721 NFTs are "one of a kind" NFTs

Uploading your image/GIF

Let's start from the main page of our marketplace:

Creating multiple NFTs means that you mint the same image, but multiple times. The fewer instances of your NFTs exist, the more scarce and valuable it is. You can choose how many copies you want to mint when choosing “Multiple”. In this tutorial, we will create a single NFT.

With WalletConnect you can connect mobile wallets via QR Code, for example Trust Wallet.

We are connected now and could already create the item. However, we want to add it to a custom collection first:

Creating a new collection

Let's break down the collection principle on Mochi Marketplace:

  • By default, your NFT is uploaded to the standard Mochi (MOC) collection

    • Pro: You don't need to pay an additional fee for creating a new collection

    • Con: You may want to group similar of your NFTs together in a own collection. The standard Mochi collection can not help with that, because many people will upload their NFTs there. So the collection is not "yours" and you thus have no influence over it

  • You can however create a custom collection

    • Pro: The collection is yours only and you can upload special, coherent NFTs to it

    • Con: You need to pay a gas fee to create the collection (~ 4-6$ worth of BNB)

      • But: You need to pay that gas fee only once for every collection. Once created, you can reuse a collection as often as you want

We want to go for the custom selection approach:

Minting the NFT on the blockchain

However, for the sake of this tutorial, let's also cover how you could find your NFT apart from the link in the "Success"-Message:

Last updated